Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So, we dont really use playpens too much since my kids alwasy kind of acted like it was a cauldron of boiling oil...but good ole'Eska didnt mind when in the chaos of moving, we popped her in there....the next thing I know, she is peeking at us and then hiding by ducking down and giggling! She is cracking us up all the time now but this little trick really took me by surprise! Also be quite excited and proud of me puttin' a video on here--it was easy but the times ive tried in the past always just locked up my computer.


Judit said...

awww she's so sparkly and fun!!! and yeah, isn't that intriguing, how one baby's boiling cauldron of oil is another's fun peekaboo toy? (I had one of each.) very impressed and happy to see video. :D

Kelley said...

Oh, she's GORGEOUS! What a fun little cutie you have. Joy, I was laughing and smiling through that whole video. She is seriously so cute!

And, I'm very impressed about the video. Did Mickey show you how? ;) I'll be calling you so I can figure out how to do that, too, since I've got lots of videos I want to share.

Oh, and this is why I'm taking Rachel to a physical therapist. She's still just rolling around on the floor.

Rixa said...

"Cauldron of boiling oil" LOL!

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker...

Did not expect your voice to sound like that! I like it!