It started as an itch on my sides. Back in October, when I first found out I was pregnant. I thought it was from my new undies, because my sides itched and the waistband drove me nuts. I scratched and scratched all night and most of the day until I had big red circles on my sides. But now it has spread to my legs and belly. This is a picture of one of my legs. So hideous.
I dont know if it is "PUPPS" because I have read so much about this condition that I am left feeling confused. These women are inducing labor and wanting to kill themselves and I am nowhere near that. Just itchy and bumpy. I scratch so much that I am now all bruised but not bleeding or anything.
I also read about a much more serious condition called Cholestatis which I do NOT have, as it involves itchy palms and liver dysfunction. Although I think I do want to get some Milk Thistle to help support the liver, which I havent been taking this time, out of forgetfulness.
So, maybe I have PUPPS, maybe I dont. But its a bummer. I am going to try baby aspirin as recommended by my midwife. Anyone have any experience with this?
Joy oh Joy, I had a mysterious itch with a similar looking red rash early-ish this last pregnancy. On both of my legs, and lower arms. I never figured out what the heck it was, no matter how much I read and read and read about PUPPS and the scarier stuff (a good friend had Cholestasis with both her babes!) because mine didn't quite fit any of the descriptions... it went away eventually. My midwife said it might have been my preggy hormones. Whatever it was, it went away months before birthing, and I sincerely hope yours will turn out a fluke like mine! Keep us updated, I'm curious.
ps. good old antihistamine gel helped somewhat. I was itching darn too much to make the long trip to the health store for some fancy shmancy herbal formulation.
My boobs have been itching almost mercilessly the last few weeks, but no rash - I figure it's just because they're growing, and lotion and body oil (as well as taking off my now-too-small bras) helps some. Hope yours eases soon!
HI it's your midwife! I"m glad I'm seeing you in the next day or so! Actually, this looks like hives so, yes, some antihistamine should help and pregnancy hormones can cause hives as can emotional over load or anxiety.....we'll work on it together when I see you. Yours, M.
Oh, you poor kid!
Itching is one of those things that makes me crazy! I certainly hope that this is something that will clear up quickly. Tommy gets hives fairly often and antihistamine cream or gel helps. No fun whatever it is!
Good luck!
Good luck. I think about you all the time.
It doesn't quite look like it, but check out Guttata psoriasis. My poor dh gets that...looks a little different, but hard to reaaly tell from a pic...hope you feel better! Oatmeal baths?
rats - nak - guttate psoriasis!
Hi! I showed your picture to my sister who is a healer and a midwife and she says, yeah you might have Pupps. You can take antihistimine for the itching. You can try probiotics and Burts bees salve. "A rash means that toxins are trying to get out of you thru your skin. If it's during pregnancy, I would guess that's because the baby wants a cleaner environment. She can't take cleansing herbs because of the pregnancy, but I would recommend some great probiotics" I don't know nothing but you might have a sensitive little babe in there! My son has lots of food allergies which presented in the womb and I was very limited! You are supermom and will do great! Good luck to you with all the itchiness!
"Women who take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or aspirin during pregnancy increase their risk of miscarriage by 80 percent, finds a study in the British Medical Journal."
I would think twice before taking asprin...the probiotics sound like a much better idea. GL!
Are you doing any better with this, Joy? I certainly hope so. It didn't look comfortable at all. I hope you get over it quickly.
Lots of love,
Oh honey, that looks icky! :( I hope you're better soon!
I've got big news! :D
We think it is hives. It comes on everynight, no matter where I am. It flares up and then dissapears. So far I havent bought any cream or medicine. Maybe this weekend. Thank you for your ideas everyone!!!
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