Monday, June 30, 2008


I went out yesterday! We all went out! to a party! it was sooooooo wonderful. I didnt even think I could make it, I was so sore and "depressed" just trying to find an outfit, etc, but the instant we got there, it was just wonderous. Glorious weather, fun fun party, great food, treats, fun, kids....i havent been out not even once since my carride home from the hospital, nor have I even begged to, picturing how STUPID it would be to get us all in the one door minivan....but it all worked out and I had a serious blast.

My spirits remained lifted this entire day, and my attempts to wean myself off of painkillers havent been too horrible, either. I had one Vicodin in 22 hours. I am proud of myself, and am ever grateful for the party and for everything, really. I feel like it is not premature to announce right here and now that I am having perfectly acceptable and non-alarming mood issues that I do not feel worried about myself. Baby doll is only 2 1/2 weeks old....


CNH said...

AH! Me too!!!! I have what I call the "blahs" rather than the "blues" this time. Perfectly normal feelers! YAY~!

Rixa said...

I'm glad you got out and enjoyed yourself. I have to remind myself about that in general--it's always better once I get up and do whatever it is I want to, rather than sitting around thinking about it.

Judit said...

Yay Joy! So glad!!!!

Kelley said...

I am so glad that you are feeling better. Angi and I were talking last night, and we were both a little worried about you. I'm so glad to hear, though, that you are doing so much better.

Does it seem to you, too, that our babies have already been here forever? Not in a bad way, but in a "of course she was always here because she fits so well into our family" way. In some ways I'm having a hard time believing that I only gave birth a bit less than three weeks ago. What does it seem like to you?

SarahLianne said...

Congrats on your baby, you look SO happy in your birth pictures! I hope recovery comes quickly for you. I found ibuprofen 600-800mg every 6-8 hours helpful for me. I had to wean off of the narcotics early after my c/s because it sedated my son.

TracyKM said...

Yeah! A little party never hurt anyone! I remember at about 3 weeks, thinking this has gone on forever, and will go on forever. It was always a rough time. Then, by 6 weeks, I thought "This has gone on forever, but I think it's getting better". LOL.